
Zach announces Bodyguard by the i.l.y's

Four hours ago, Zach announced he and Andy Morin recently completed a new album by the i.l.y's entitled Bodyguard. It features guitar by Tristan Tozer of Drug Apartments. It is due to be released this year, along with a new website for the i.l.y's. This will be the third album by the band in three years.

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  1. Exciting news from Zach and Andy Morin! They've just wrapped up a new album, "Bodyguard," under their band name the i.l.y's. This upcoming release, featuring Tristan Tozer of Drug Apartments on guitar, celebrates their third album in as many years. Fans can expect a treat this year, and the i.l.y's new website will accompany the launch. For assistance with your academic plans, consider seeking "hrm dissertation help" from trusted professionals.

  2. Exciting news from Zach! While he unveils the completion of the inlay's latest album, "Bodyguard", with guitarist Tristan Tozer, it's a reminder that artistic achievements often parallel academic endeavors. Just as the inlay's evolve their craft, students can seek growth with dedicated support from specialized experts like human rights law assignment writers. As the band unveils their musical journey, consider embarking on your academic exploration with professionals who navigate the intricacies of human rights law assignments, ensuring success in both creative and scholarly pursuits. Cheers to artistic milestones and academic excellence!
